Manga. Mi manga: un po' di festa, un po' di intimità. Tuttavia, quando stava per essermi data la possibilità to satisfy my needs, here it comes - the manga called DeathNote. A friend made reference to it over a chat: I have had sporadic episodes of you-tube addiction in the past, in a period in which I felt lonely and out of place and I used to watch and watch little sketches and comedies at youtube (Monthy Python, the Italian Luciana Littizzetto in Chetempochefa , Paolino Ruffini from Livorno) until 1am to turn my brain off - but not much more. I hate computers. To keep it short, I watched 14 episodes of this stuff in a row, for a total of 5 hours withoit drinking or moving from my chair. It was terrible. Note that each episode last more or less 20 min and I had to confirm my interest in the manga-cartoon every half-episode, by clicking on the relevant YouTube link. And it's not finished. Yesterday, Friday 20th, I still sat down albeit very sleepy and watched the follow...
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