
Visualizzazione dei post da maggio, 2009

The jewels of the Princess

Eastern people have managed to reduce the problem of scarcity not by creating abundance (sell-side approach), but by reducing the need of materiality (buy-side approach), i.e. minimizing the inanimated projections and tools for their material existence. This is wonderful to an European, as it sounds like the baricentrum of an individual's life has been shofted towards the non-appearing, spiritual life. I was observing this morning my Indian friend, a princess emigrated to the West. I noted the following: Eating habits : she is not constrained by the notion of "portion". She does not care of a packaging, uses to eat like a little mouse, just scraping what she needs in little quantities, and as soon she feels this is sufficient, she stops and stores the rest. She substituted the quantity with the flavour, thus fucking a million-year genetic inclination to store grease and sugar for future famines - which is nowadays the reason for which half of the planet is overweight.

Xxxx the Poet

I have a virtual friend called as follows: ...just, with another spelling. He used to be the best friend of my boyfriend - then we split up, but they did not. Why am I telling you about that? Well, first because he is a poet. Argh ! A Poet! How can you dare to say that? I suppose that, if you insist in calling yourself a poet, you actually have much better chance to become one (i.e. to be publicly recognized as one, then to believe you actually are one yourself because of that), thank if you don't. This guy happily writes and does anything with paper, colors and fiber, and pots, including keeping a cultivated garden (I mean -plotted - not a garden of poets of course!) and cooking whatever they grow in America. This guy has probably a soft heart and some sensibility, a very high opinion of himself nor he is immune from the playful, naive attitude which is the greatest asset of Americans vis -à- vis average Europeans, and their major pitfall if they compare with the best among

Hosting Aurora, who loves life

Here's my friend Aurora Dalma statment "...What can I write? I love going to salsa classes, you forget about everything else in your life, all the little troubles, the stress from work, all you see is the teacher and the steps, all you hear is the music, all you feel is joy...every time I step out from my salsa class, I feel like I can take on the world, I smile for no reason on the street and I don't care if people see me. And thanks to this, I realise that life is worth living, because no matter how many problems there are in your life, there are always things you can do to make yourself happy, without depending on the taking salsa classes!" May God bless her. Somethig senseful to say? Ask me to be hosted! If you subscribe to this blog, and your little face appears on the right hand side of this page, you will be entitled to author a post on this blog. Think about it!

Love. Full stop.

Immagine As an abstract concept, love usually refers to a deep, ineffable feeling of tenderly caring for another person. I left today a person that I cherished, for which I felt something, and which I felt, felt something for me. But. This person is not free. I read about two lovers who are re-joining again in America after one year of separation. But. I have nothing like that. I have a person who just do not care. I feel ready for loving and being loved, but I am here, alone. I am frustrated about that. This is gloomy. Love is any of a number of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection [1] and attachment . The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from generic pleasure ("I loved that meal") to intense interpersonal attraction ("I love my boyfriend").