Sono amico di Sofri!
Wow! Ma quello è amico di Adriano Sofri!
"Oooh, but...this guy is friend with Adriano Sofri "- a smart friend of mine told me, full of admiration.
This conversation happened because we saw that the former Italian politician had commented on that guy's status on facebook. The two of us were suspicious.
Shall he be a jurk, using the name of the famous Italian former politician?
Therefore, I tried the scientific method and directly asked frienship to Sofri.
Well, you do not have to be an intellectual to do it, you just tell him you want, and ....pluf, you are his friends!
So...if that is qualifying, this is a zero-cost way to qualify yourself as "Oooh, this guy is Sofri's friend, God, what an intellectual!"
1. go on
2. follow the instructions to create an account
4. ask frienship
5. wait 30 minutes
et voilà!
You already feel better, don't you?
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