
Visualizzazione dei post da marzo, 2009

Schumann - The prophet bird

This is the next thing I am gonna tackle as soon as I can. I heard Radu Lupu perform it in a lunar , liquid way, such as the bird was in fact a jelly fish. They say that Aldo Ciccolini is extremely good at playing that, making it look like a "colibri", a hysteric, brainless bird , as a prophet bird like the phoenix is supposed to be. I would like to let it emerge that the second part actually is the bird's prophecy of prosperity, and let the two side-parts be mysterious, nasty and smoky as they deserve to be. In the first and last part is just an unintelligen and witched bird - and the God is not yet/no more speaking through it. This is a typical "easy" piece that it is extremely easy to play with arrogance and impotence. I find the end spectacular - extremely difficult . Good luck! Un petit cadeau schumannien pour toi, mon lecteur! M

A scientific approach to seducing a stranger

OK, so, a friend of mine suggested the following strategy to meet potential partners. I like it because it takes a scientific approach. It nothing more, nothing less than an algorythm . Go in a right pub, at a right hour, where the definition of right pub is a pub where you have lots of people of your target age at the right hour is the hour where there is a peak of crowd - not too early, not too late. Take two drinks, or the amount of alcohol which makes your defences and your social shame lower, without letting you drunk. You know that limit. I know that limit - [censored for secuirity reasons]. Be sure to take 3 girl-friends woth you, if you are a girl, or one boy-friend with you, if you are a boy. If you are a girl [boy's part is the complementary, and easily deductable], look around, and perceive who is looking at you. If you like him/her, proceed to the so-called eye-fucking phase , where you sustain the sight. If you do not like him/her, just put you sight away. I would nev...

Che mi manga?

Manga. Mi manga: un po' di festa, un po' di intimità. Tuttavia, quando stava per essermi data la possibilità to satisfy my needs, here it comes - the manga called DeathNote. A friend made reference to it over a chat: I have had sporadic episodes of you-tube addiction in the past, in a period in which I felt lonely and out of place and I used to watch and watch little sketches and comedies at youtube (Monthy Python, the Italian Luciana Littizzetto in Chetempochefa , Paolino Ruffini from Livorno) until 1am to turn my brain off - but not much more. I hate computers. To keep it short, I watched 14 episodes of this stuff in a row, for a total of 5 hours withoit drinking or moving from my chair. It was terrible. Note that each episode last more or less 20 min and I had to confirm my interest in the manga-cartoon every half-episode, by clicking on the relevant YouTube link. And it's not finished. Yesterday, Friday 20th, I still sat down albeit very sleepy and watched the follow...

Book review - J. Cocteau, Les enfants terribles

I have read Les enfants terribles by Jean Cocteau , in French, and just finished it. It is a terrible, horrible, symbolistic, heavily poetic book. It makes the reader full of disgust and macabre understanding at the end. It has an explicit trait of The great Gatsby (a death on a sport-car) and of Madame Bovary (poison at the end! To exit a difficult narrative situation). It evocates very poetic images: the "boules de neiges qui etoilaient le mur", tears which slip into retracted lips, and come out again, as new tears from the mouth. Cocteau is able to describe the walk of this girl as "heavy, light, flying" and to give you the impression that you are really understanding what that means. . Les enfants terribles is the right, insightful title. These are the terrible children you see (or you have been) who torture animals. The "vierge sacrée", the protagonist, the "genie-de-la-chambre"-priestess Elisabeth tourtures and dominates all her peers,...